Roxburgh EMC RCネットワークコンデンサ 1袋(5個入) XEB1201

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Roxburgh EMC RCネットワークコンデンサ 1袋(5個入)●These devices are designed for connecting directly across amAins supply but should NOT be used in positions where failure of the capacitor would expose anyone to electric shock●XE/XEB Series●Contact suppressors comprising a resistor and capacitor in series improve contact lifemAy be connected across a switch or relay contacts to suppress interference generated when switching reactive loads Self healing construction and self extinguishing case●入数:1袋(5個入)●サプレッサタイプ:電源プロテクター●取り付けタイプ:フランジマウント●シリーズ:XEB●長さ:19mm●奥行き:8.5mm●高さ:25mm●寸法:19×8.5×25mm●動作温度 Min:-40°C●動作温度mAx:+85°C●RoHS適合状況:適合●コード番号:672-7035