標註十八史略読本 四 五 六 七

  • Auction ends07/04/2024 16:01 PM (Tokyo)
  • Current Time06/28/2024 16:01 PM (Tokyo)
  • Bids0
  • Availability 1 pcs
  • Leading Bidder
  • VAT Tax: 0 %
  • Return Policy: Not possible
  • Item condition: USED60
  • Shipping in Japan: Not Free
  • Auction ID: m1039951468
  • Automatic Extensionfalse
  • Item location: 神奈川県
  • Seller items: rieu0330 All seller's items
  • Seller's Rating: 1223
  • Current Price

    ¥2,000 (~$13)

    (¥2,000 including tax)

  • Buyout Price

    ¥2,000 (~$13)

    (¥2,000 including tax)

  • Time left

    Auction ended

Product Details

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Hi there!
I can sell it to overseas buyers through Yahoo auction (Japan system) . If you have any inquiry !Please post a comment and I will reply shortly.