Osamu Tezuka Osamu Tezuka (born 3 November 1928 9 February 1989) was a Japanese manga artist, cartoonist and animator. Born in Osaka Prefecture, his prolific output, pioneering techniques and innovative redefinitions of genres earned him such titles as "the Father of Manga".
BLACK JACK Black Jack is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Osamu Tezuka in the 1970s, dealing with the medical adventures of the title character, doctor Black Jack. Black Jack consists of hundreds of short, self-contained stories that are typically about 20 pages long. Black Jack has also been animated into an OVA, two television series (directed by Satoshi Kuwahara and Tezuka's son Makoto Tezuka) and two films.
手塚 治虫は、日本の漫画家、アニメ監督、医師。勲等は勲三等。学位は医学博士。 戦後日本においてストーリー漫画の第一人者として、漫画表現の開拓者的存在として活躍した。兵庫県宝塚市出身で同市名誉市民。出生は大阪府豊能郡豊中町。大阪帝国大学附属医学専門部卒業。
Osamu Tezuka
Osamu Tezuka (born 3 November 1928 9 February 1989) was a Japanese manga artist, cartoonist and animator. Born in Osaka Prefecture, his prolific output, pioneering techniques and innovative redefinitions of genres earned him such titles as "the Father of Manga".
『ブラック・ジャック』(BLACK JACK)は、手塚治虫による医療漫画作品。天才的外科医だが医師免許を持たない「ブラックジャック」こと間黒男(はざま くろお)の活躍を描く。『週刊少年チャンピオン』(秋田書店)にて1973年11月19日号から1978年9月18日号にかけて連載したのち、1979年1月15日号から1983年10月14日号[1]にかけて不定期連載された。全242話。略称は『B・J』
Black Jack is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Osamu Tezuka in the 1970s, dealing with the medical adventures of the title character, doctor Black Jack. Black Jack consists of hundreds of short, self-contained stories that are typically about 20 pages long. Black Jack has also been animated into an OVA, two television series (directed by Satoshi Kuwahara and Tezuka's son Makoto Tezuka) and two films.