●メーカー名:ツアラテック / TOURATECH(ツラーテック)●商品名:エンジンガード「Expedition」【シルバー】 Honda CRF1000L Africa Twin●メーカー品番:tt_01-402-5140-0●JANコード:4573209311476商品の保証は、メーカー保証書の内容に準じます。●カラーシルバー●仕様4mm厚アルミプレート/ステンレス製ベース部分/プラスチック製レール●備考堅牢性と機能性を重視して、エンジンブロック・オイルフィルタ・オイルクーラーを深刻な被害から守る、エンジンガード「Expedition」。Engine Guard 「Expedition」 for HONDA Honda CRF1000L Africa Twin In creating the Honda CRF1000L, the developers at Honda have produced a motorbike that practically invites you take it on an off-road excursion. Our development team were able to make a number of further improvements to its positive off-road characteristics. This engine guard is an absolute revolution! Touratech have attached great importance to its robustness and functionality. Serious damage, such as holes in the engin block, can be effectively prevented by fitting the large Touratech engine guard. Maximum strength is provided by multiple folded ridges in the 4 mm thick aluminium base plate, while an additional lower stainless steel attachment plate on the engine ensures the force of an impact is distributed over a large area via 6 bolting points. Ground clearance is not restricted by these two base plates. Another benefit is that the front of the engine guard rises up far enough to prevent damage to the oil filter and oil cooler as well. Plastic rails on the lower part of the base plate ensure that the bolt heads - which are already sunken - are completely covered. Not least, the plastic rails facilitate 「sliding」 the bike over rocks, stones and tree stumps. Almost as an afterthought, they also prevent dirt buid-up. To sum up, the large Touratech engine guard for the Honda CRF1000L is a product that meets the most demanding requirements as well as being an absolute visual highlight!●写真注意※画像はイメージです。メーカー車種年式型式・フレームNo.その他ホンダCRF1000L Africa Twin※商品掲載時の適合情報です。年式が新しい車両については、必ずメーカーサイトにて適合をご確認ください。